Stitchin', Schoolin' and Stuff

Random musings and down right silly fodder from one extremely disorganized southern gal... no accounting for taste. Homeschooling Mom of 4 and VERY proud of it!

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Location: Alabama

Friday, January 26, 2007

~The Best Teenager in the World...~

Lives at my house. He is 13. He is tall and slender and wears glasses. He is intelligent. He knows more about some things (like Math) than I ever will. If he doesn't know he questions - he learns - he finds out. He doesn't care about what is popular in music or clothing. He certainly doesn't care about girls or cars or bikes.

In all seriousness, he is probably the best kid in the world. He is polite and compassionate. He doesn't talk back, he doesn't disobey and I mean that, he doesn't have it in him to be disrespectful or disobey. It wouldn't be right. And it wouldn't be fair to me or him. He would tell you that too! When someone offers him something he ask me first. He tells me every move he makes, he even ask if he can be excused to the restroom when we are at a restaurant.

One of our neighbors once told my Meme that she had never met a kid like him. She ask did my boys want to come into her house to play and he told her that he had to go and ask his Mom first. She was in shock. This week my Mom accompanied me to the doctors office to sit with the kids during my appointment. While I was out, she started giving baby T bits of Starburst. D told her to please excuse him and that he wasn't trying to be rude but that he didn't think I would approve of her eating the candy. He said that I might not appreciate her giving the baby sugar and that I generally didn't allow them candy before a meal - lunch in this case. My Mom laughed it off but made sure to tell me it had happened. What can I say, he knows the rules and lives and breathes them. And before someone thinks he was being rude, he wasn't. He is very matter of fact in his tone and his language but never rude. He talks as if he is about 40 years old.

And he doesn't lie. I know, a kid that doesn't like? Impossible, right? Nope. Not this kid. He doesn't lie. Not even to his brothers about something silly. He may get mad at them and fight with them but he doesn't lie to them. Lying in his opinion is a sin against yourself and against God. There is no good reason to lie. Not even about Santa or the ToothFairy or the Easter Bunny. That is a whole other discussion! LOL

Now, does he forget things? Yes. Do I have remind him several times about things like chores, medicines, brushing his teeth? Yes. Does he get into trouble? Sometimes but very rarely and it is usually small things like forgetting things. He always apologizes when he does something wrong even before I know about it in some cases. He reminds me when I forget things and always points out if something isn't like it should be. But, he is always polite about it and never, ever rude.

How did I get so lucky? Well, I have no clue. He isn't your normal child - he isn't your normal teenager. He is special. He has Asperger's which probably has something to do with how he is but I know in my heart that isn't totally why. He is just the best kid in the world. I consider myself so lucky to have him. I look at my others and feel like I am getting it easy now because I have lots of typical teenage days ahead of me.

Someday he will make someone very happy, someday he will be a wonderful Dad, but today he is only my son. He is perfect and I love him.


Blogger Jaime said...

what a great post. sounds like you have raised him up right Tina.
atleast you know he won't be causing your headaches when the kids are all teens!

9:17 PM  
Blogger Miriam Pauline said...

Lovely post Tina! I'd recommend you print this and put it away to give him someday (graduation, marriage, fatherhood type occassion) to remind him what a great kid he was. I'm sure it will mean a lot to him as an adult to know what you thought of him as a teen. ((HUGS)) my friend, you are doing a great job!

12:07 AM  
Blogger Margaret said...

And he has a terrific mom too!

7:16 AM  
Blogger _ said...

You've got a wonderful boy there, Tina. You've done a great job with him.

12:18 PM  

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