Stitchin', Schoolin' and Stuff

Random musings and down right silly fodder from one extremely disorganized southern gal... no accounting for taste. Homeschooling Mom of 4 and VERY proud of it!

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Location: Alabama

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


The main reason my Mom didn't want me to bring Little D home to school was because she has been SOOOO worried about it taking away from the older boys who have been doing so well. Not to say it has been all sunshine and roses - in fact, I have still been having some of the same problems with my middle son that we had in school. He is famous for not finishing things or just writing aimlessly but we have been working on it. Well, I brought Little D home on Monday and have been working with him some. BUT, I have been really sick since Saturday and have napping anytime the baby does because I feel so awful. Usually, I check work every night and anything that isn't done, I reassign for the next day with a stern note and some game time taken away. Last night, I didn't check because I went to bed when they did. Today, when I ask T if he had finished everything he assured me he had - I even ask about two very long Math sheets I know he had to do and again, he told me yes, he had. Tonight, since I had a burst of energy, I sat down to check work. Well, T did about 10% of his work from yesterday and less than that today. No Math has been done for either day. I am livid. Various reasons of course, one because he flat out lied when I ask but also because he has taken complete advantage of my not feeling well. Of course, I can't tell my Mom because she defends him about everything and will tell me it is because D is home. I know for a fact that isn't it. This would have happened regardless. I did wake him up and tell him no games, no tv and no outside until next week. Tomorrow he and I will having a LONG talk and I will go back to checking each assignment as he finishes it each day. I hate having to do that but I don't know what else to do. Grrrrr.... off to take more meds and get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a LONG day!


Blogger _ said...

(((Hugs))) hon. Hope you are feeling better soon. We have the same issue here at times regarding doing all the's just part of how it works and you're would happen whether they are in school or at home. Hang in there and just keep on him and know that you aren't alone in this.

9:32 AM  
Blogger Jaime said...

I hope you are feeling better today.

9:39 AM  

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